First Church Of Christ Scientist - Atlanta, GA


 We completed the restoration of the main entry doors for this 1913 sanctuary in 2001. One pair of doors was removed at a time, trucked to our shop and then rehung after treatment. Each leaf measured 14 feet tall, 3 feet wide and 2-1/4 inches thick and required 6 men to take down, load and put back in place.

Once the doors were set up on custom built supports the hardware was removed, the old varnish stripped away and damaged 1/4" thick oak veneer (aka door skin) replaced or reglued. Moldings were reattached, tinted grain filler applied, cracks filled and two coats of tung oil varnish were brushed in. Meanwhile the hardware was stripped, cleaned, serviced and polished then overcoated with bronzing powder in Agateen lacquer. The mortise lock mechanisms were disassembled and returned to working order often after malfunctioning for decades.

Doors before restoration.
Even though the door hardware appears to be unusually low it is in fact at normal height .